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Our Story

The Recovery For Athletes Story

Recovery For Athletes was founded by two brothers, Jared and Aron, whose passion for sports longevity transpired into creating a company that has now helped thousands of athletes, sports teams, physical therapists and more. Jared and Aron grew up playing all sports but ultimately decided to pursue a tennis career. After successful bouts at the University of Illinois, both Jared and Aron went on to compete on the ATP Tour for tennis.

Throughout their careers, both brothers knew how important it was to maintain a healthy body and be injury free. They were exposed to hundreds of different recovery products and devices to help keep them healthy. Some of these products worked and some of them didn’t. Our promise at Recovery for Athletes is that the products we offer are the ones that have worked and helped us maintain a long and healthy tennis career.

Jared and Aron Hiltzik

-Sincerely, Jared & Aron Hiltzik
