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The Correct Way to Use a Theragun: Baseball Edition

The Correct Way to Use a Theragun: Baseball Edition

Theragun percussion massagers are becoming the go-to device for both professional and amateur baseball players. This percussion massage gun is a unique way to loosen up muscles, improve range of motion, and reduce inflammation.

No matter what league you play in, follow this baseball massage gun regime for effective relief of muscle soreness and tension.

How to Use a Theragun Percussion Massager for Baseball Players

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

Recommended Massage Gun Attachment Head:

  • Dampener
  • Standard Ball
  • Thumb
  • Wedge
  • Supersoft


TWhether it's post workout or post game DOMS, Theragun is the best massage gun to boost muscle recovery.

To do so, attach a broad massage head, set the percussion massager to one of the three speed settings - 1750, 2100, or 2400ppm - and begin your deep tissue massage by targeting areas of muscle soreness.

For the back, shoulders, and chest, begin on the larger muscles groups and slowly work your way towards the most painful areas. Pay particular attention to any knots or tight muscles that are causing the most discomfort.

Next, begin targeting the glutes and legs with either the standard ball or wedge attachment. Work across the top of the gluteus medius, releasing the muscle tissue that meets the lower back. Now, move on down towards the gluteus maximus, paying close attention to any muscle tension you may hold near the point of the hip.

Spend no longer than 30 seconds to a minute in each area before moving onto another region of the body. If required, repeat 2-3 times per day.

Shoulder Pain and Injuries

Recommended Massage Gun Attachment Head:

  • Dampener
  • Thumb
  • Wedge


For both pitchers and batsmen, the shoulder and surrounding area is a common pain point. To reduce soreness and the chance of injury, take the wedge and begin on the upper part of the trapezius muscle. Working in a perpendicular motion, creep the massage head from the base of the neck towards the point of the shoulder.

Next, attach either the thumb or wedge and work the front, back, and medial deltoid muscles. Spend about 10 seconds on muscle, totalling 30 seconds.

Knee Pain

Recommended Massage Gun Attachment Head:

  • Dampener
  • Supersoft
  • Wedge


To target the muscle fascia and connective tissue around the knee, start scraping the wedge attachment along the IT bands. Start from the point of the hip and, in a slow, sweeping motion, move the percussion massager to the outer side of the top of the knee.

Now, swap the wedge out for either the dampener or supersoft head and begin massaging all the connective and muscle tissue around the knee joint.

Pitcher's Elbow

Recommended Massage Gun Attachment Head:

  • Dampener
  • Standard Ball


Pitching a baseball places an extreme amount of pressure on the elbow joint. To relieve this area of pain and discomfort, take the dampener or standard ball, place your Theragun on the lowest setting - 1750ppm - and begin massaging the small muscle groups that surround the elbow joint.

Start with the upper forearm and finish with the lower tricep muscles. Spend around 30 seconds on each side of the joint.

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